Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Keep the Fire Going

There was an article in today's NY Times about another attack on unarmed civilians in Darfur, allegedly by Sudanese government troops (or at least people dressed as government troops). The article made me think again about how disappointed I am in myself for my lack of real continued advocacy for Darfur. I don't write to my Congressman (now that I have one again - I was living in DC for a while), I don't respond to the emails I get, and I haven't attended any of the rallies. I tell myself that it is because the situation has been going on so long with no hope of meaningful intervention. While I do think that is why I have not been invested in this issue, it isn't a good excuse.

This issue applies to more than just Darfur. It seems that most human rights issues are an uphill battle when it comes to achieving meaningful steps for resolution. What I need to do for myself is find a way to maintain the fire even when issues seem hopeless, as I am afraid many will. I think though that this committee will help me with that.

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